cell phone detector ppt
So and also outgoing calls SMS and video transmissions even if the mobile phone is kept in the silent mode. Mobile Bug Cell Phone Detector Ppt Persentation Way2project In.
Cell Phone Detector Circuit Mobile Phone Tracking System Circuit
Cell Phone Detector - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation ppt PDF File pdf Text File txt or view presentation slides online.

. HIDDEN ACTIVE CELLPHONE DETECTOR Under the guidance of Internal guide name. Moyea PowerPoint to Mobile Phone Converter converts PowerPoint to video for Mobile Phone Moyea PowerPoint to Mobile Phone Converter can convert PowerPoint to video in AVI. The cell phone detecting circuit is intended to detect unauthorized use of mobile phones in examination halls confidential rooms prisons etc.
INTRODUCTION This handy pocket-size mobile transmission detector or sniffer can sense the presence of an activated mobile cell phone from a distance of one and-ahalf meters. A mobile-phone also known as a cellular-phone cell-phone a mobile and a hand-phone is a device that can make and receive phone-calls over a radio-link while moving around a wide-geographic-area. Mobile Detector Ppt Final - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation ppt pptx PDF File pdf Text File txt or view presentation slides online.
The cell phone detectors are mostly hand and pocket-size mobile transmission detectors. It can sense the presence of an activated mobile phone from a distance of one and a half meters. This project utilizes the RF system of the cell phone as the feature to be used to detect its presence.
A circuit that detects signals of the range 09GHz to 3GHz is used to detect a cell phone when in use. Aim of the project. It can be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls confidential rooms etc.
This handy pocket-size mobile transmission detector or sniffer can sense the presence of an activated mobile cell phone from a distance of one and-ahalf meters. When the signal is detected an LED blinks to indicate the usage of a cell phone within a radius of 15 metres. By Student1 Student2 AIM of the project The main scope of project is to sense the presence of an activated mobile phone from a distance of one-and-a-half meters to prevent the use of same in the examination hallsThe major building.
12 Cellular Phone Technology. So it can be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls confidential rooms etc. Working of Cell Phone Detector Purpose.
The circuit can detect the incoming calls pocket-size mobile transmission detector or sniffer can sense the presence of an activated mobile cell phone from a distance of one and-a-half meters. Because the location of the detected room can be known by ID prison guards can find cell phones by int ensive search in. Therefore the company needs a way to detect cellular phones in the facility.
It can be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls confidential rooms etc. The Stealth Prison detects illegal cell phone use in prison jail in real time 247 and notifies you through the PC of the central control center or text messages to supervisor. The device can detect the incoming and outgoing calls SMS.
However this technology still needs a lot of improvement and development. CELL PHONE DETECTOR DETECTING CELL PHONE. It has made it possible for a person located in a remote-place to communicate with a person across the globe in a fraction of a second.
Sai Rama Chakri 15R21A04A4 Sai Deepak. There are a few existing cellular phone detectors on the market today that could of caught the employee prior to the information leaking out.
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Cell Phone Detector Circuit Mobile Phone Tracking System Circuit